Your PC will not act at all? Hard drive undetectable, optical drives, which seem slow, which is not optimal monitor looks, or a router that too often hangs? Do not panic, find the solution here!
Occasionally this can happen. PC suddenly acting up, and can not be resolved easily. Even if you've read the various troubleshooting guide in the manual are available. And this is also happening to you.
Occasionally this can happen. PC suddenly acting up, and can not be resolved easily. Even if you've read the various troubleshooting guide in the manual are available. And this is also happening to you.
Not looking at the situation and conditions, a system can be acting up. It could be a moment after you perform the update drivers. Or after the addition of enhancements to your system. Or occur suddenly, without warning or prior notice.
And this review will discuss the things mentioned above. Have no need to panic anxiety and deal with it.
Sit quietly, and just follow the discussion this time. Hopefully one of them is the answer to the problems you face with your favorite PC.
And this review will discuss the things mentioned above. Have no need to panic anxiety and deal with it.
Sit quietly, and just follow the discussion this time. Hopefully one of them is the answer to the problems you face with your favorite PC.
Problems on display
Problems on the monitor
1. See indicator light
2. Check regulator and contrast brightnes
3. See the display on the screen self-test
4. Check the power cable on the monitor
5. Check the cable connection on port data cable video out and display adapter
1. Damage display adapter card (normal sound: beep noise ... & there is a problem: biip ... beep ... beep ... beep)
2. Memory / RAM
Problems display adapter
1. Check the hardware and software display adapter
2. Resolution display adapter settings by restarting in safe mode by press F8, right click desktop select properties and select the settings tab. On the lower the display resolution settings tab and select Apply - OK. ]
1. Damage to the operating system and hardware (the hardware itself)
Problems on your hard drive
Save various documents, favorite songs in MP3 format, installation of 3D games (which measure up to units of gigabytes), some even collect video download DivX format, or master digital video transfer from handycam results. It is not strange if the hard drive with full speed. Adding a hard drive too, was not
apart from some problems that may arise.
Hard disk not recognized
1. Check the data cable connection and power on hard drive
2. Check the configuration of the BIOS / CMOS setup (select auto detection for convenience)
1. IDE controller defective
Can not boot from the hard disk
1. When you have a HDD controller failure and it can not recognize hard drive can try to check the data cables and BIOS settings.
2. If the message Missing operating system, then change the BIOS setup or the operating system is lost / formatted. To overcome this problem can be re-partition and re-install OS
3. If the message appears Bad or Missing command interpreter can then try booting from a bootable floppy "in accordance with the OS" and then copy the COMMAND.COM file to your hard disk. If you can not save on your hard disk then can check hard disk capacity of full / empty, hard disk exposed to the virus can be overcome with anti virus and also can be no mistake the operating system configuration (CONFIG.SYS) and other possible damage to the hard disk file structure (FAT / SCSI).
4. Can replace with new hard disk and make min 2 partitions for system and data back up.
2. If the message Missing operating system, then change the BIOS setup or the operating system is lost / formatted. To overcome this problem can be re-partition and re-install OS
3. If the message appears Bad or Missing command interpreter can then try booting from a bootable floppy "in accordance with the OS" and then copy the COMMAND.COM file to your hard disk. If you can not save on your hard disk then can check hard disk capacity of full / empty, hard disk exposed to the virus can be overcome with anti virus and also can be no mistake the operating system configuration (CONFIG.SYS) and other possible damage to the hard disk file structure (FAT / SCSI).
4. Can replace with new hard disk and make min 2 partitions for system and data back up.
1. Hard disk boot record to boot sector damage
2. Bad sectors on the hard disk "location on the hard disk can not be used because of damaged / bad"
2. Bad sectors on the hard disk "location on the hard disk can not be used because of damaged / bad"
See you on the blog masters of other articles
bye. . . . . . .
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