Recofry Data

Handling is the key
Hard disk is divided into thousands and even millions of storage space called sectors. This sector contains data written by the operating system. As I said earlier that the data has been deleted does not necessarily disappear once you give the command Delete. The system will just mark it as the location of the storage sector that is ready to be refilled with new data. The old data will remain stored in the sector until there is new data written by the System.

Well, this is where the importance of speed of treatment. If you feel something is missing from your hard drive do not do any changes to it. You see, if you add new data and happen to need an empty space available is less, then the system will take advantage of the sector 'used' your data that had been marked as a location ready to reload. The result can be guessed, your data will be completely lost and can not be restored anymore. Immediately do the following recovery steps or take it to a data recovery if you are not sure what you do.

Disclosure and Preparation
Previously I need to underline that these steps have proved successful in some cases I have ever dealt with but there is no assurance that these steps could solve any case of data loss. If you listen and do it right, I'm sure you can restore the data with the above conditions. But be careful, because there is no guarantee if There is your lost data ..
Proses Recovery
1. Go ahead and enter your Booting into Windows as usual. Insert the CD Hiren's Boot CD and let it run autoplay. Go to Menu> Recovery> GetDataBack NTFS/FAT32 (according to the file system you use)
 2. Make sure the Logical Drives option was selected, Next.
3. Select the partition you want to recover. In this simulation I chose partition C: because I will return the data that has now been hit by a new Windows system. Next
4. Select as needed. Search Entire Drive will scan the entire surface of the hard drive. Search Options Partial Drive will only scan the part we choose saja.saya select the next
5. Next the program will undergo a scan. It will take a while, depending on CPU speed and disk size.
6. Choose a File System that you will restore. You'll also be able to re-select it later by returning to this menu .. Next.
7. The system will restore your data.

8. Search and find data that you want. As you can see, the outermost folder (under the name of the drive, for example C:) has been changed from its original name into the code. You need to be careful here. If you have found, right click on the folder> select Copy. Save on secondary media that you have prepared earlier.
       Remember once again! Do not save this file into the recovery drive / partition that you are the current recovery. This could lead to greater data loss ..
9. Furthermore, the system will copy the data to the folder that you specify.

Sometimes, even deleted files can be restored, but some files are physically been affected by the new data are not fully refundable. If this happens then you need to try one by one to separate the files has been restored to perfection.


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