Recofry Data

Handling is the key
Hard disk is divided into thousands and even millions of storage space called sectors. This sector contains data written by the operating system. As I said earlier that the data has been deleted does not necessarily disappear once you give the command Delete. The system will just mark it as the location of the storage sector that is ready to be refilled with new data. The old data will remain stored in the sector until there is new data written by the System.

Well, this is where the importance of speed of treatment. If you feel something is missing from your hard drive do not do any changes to it. You see, if you add new data and happen to need an empty space available is less, then the system will take advantage of the sector 'used' your data that had been marked as a location ready to reload. The result can be guessed, your data will be completely lost and can not be restored anymore. Immediately do the following recovery steps or take it to a data recovery if you are not sure what you do.

Disclosure and Preparation
Previously I need to underline that these steps have proved successful in some cases I have ever dealt with but there is no assurance that these steps could solve any case of data loss. If you listen and do it right, I'm sure you can restore the data with the above conditions. But be careful, because there is no guarantee if There is your lost data ..
Proses Recovery
1. Go ahead and enter your Booting into Windows as usual. Insert the CD Hiren's Boot CD and let it run autoplay. Go to Menu> Recovery> GetDataBack NTFS/FAT32 (according to the file system you use)
 2. Make sure the Logical Drives option was selected, Next.
3. Select the partition you want to recover. In this simulation I chose partition C: because I will return the data that has now been hit by a new Windows system. Next
4. Select as needed. Search Entire Drive will scan the entire surface of the hard drive. Search Options Partial Drive will only scan the part we choose saja.saya select the next
5. Next the program will undergo a scan. It will take a while, depending on CPU speed and disk size.
6. Choose a File System that you will restore. You'll also be able to re-select it later by returning to this menu .. Next.
7. The system will restore your data.

8. Search and find data that you want. As you can see, the outermost folder (under the name of the drive, for example C:) has been changed from its original name into the code. You need to be careful here. If you have found, right click on the folder> select Copy. Save on secondary media that you have prepared earlier.
       Remember once again! Do not save this file into the recovery drive / partition that you are the current recovery. This could lead to greater data loss ..
9. Furthermore, the system will copy the data to the folder that you specify.

Sometimes, even deleted files can be restored, but some files are physically been affected by the new data are not fully refundable. If this happens then you need to try one by one to separate the files has been restored to perfection.


Battery Doubler 1.2.1

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This laptop battery saver software called Battery Doubler! Because of not using standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but knowing what to shut down what is not needed, such as, for example, a USB port, you can earn up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.

Decrease recharge time, Charge your battery faster if your laptop is not activated. That's a fact. let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with the Turbo Charge technology, increase to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is enabled.

Recalibrate the battery is damaged, After using your battery without taking up a lot of attention to discharge and recharge every time, the performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard all the work for you - automatically.. !!!!

Easy to use, From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler proficient in ease of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Since you do not always want to read 300 pages manual before using the software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time, if interested please download the free Battery Doubler 1.2.1.


Netstumbler known as Network Stumbleris a means of detecting acilitates Wireless Wireless LANs using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g WLAN standard that runs on Microsoft operating systems from Win98 - Win Vista, there is also another version called Mini Stumbler Anothere that uses the operating system Windows CE. For tool "that can be on the handheld. 

You can get it here

AircrackFastest to WEP / WPA cracking toolAircrack is a suite of tools for 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking. This can be done within 40 to 512-bit WEP password is encrypted and only once the package "has been collected. Aircrack can also attack WPA 1 or 2 networks using advanced cryptographic methods rude or pushy. The suite includes airodump (an 802.11 packet maker program), aireplay (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), and airdecap (decrypts WEP / WPA for decision-file).You can get here Aircrack

AirSnort802.11 WEP Encryption Cracking ToolAirSnort is a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool which is used to recover encryption passwords. It was developed by the shmoo group of passive and operated by monitoring transmissions, computing encrypted passwords will be done if the package has been collected. You may also be interested in this AirSnort.You can get here AirSnort

CowpattyCowpatty this is a good tool for cracking WPA-PSK force, which is considered "New WEP" for Wireless Home Security. This program simply tries a bunch of different options from a dictionary file to see and discover what is defined as Pre-Shared Key.You can get here Cowpatty

AsleapThis tool is very good when using the network Leap. This tool can be used to gather the authentication data that is being passed in the network, and this can be sniffed, so be on crack. Leap does not protect the authentication like other "real" EAP, which is the main reason why Leap can be easily damaged.You can get here Leap

EtherealEthereal is used by the whole world Wind0s by both operating systems and open source, which is used for troubleshooting, analysis, and protocol software development, and education. Has all the standard features that would be expected in protocol analysis, and several features not seen in every product. Open-source license allows the addition of enhancements for those of you "who have expertise
have expertise.
You can download Etherea
l here
Others :

AiO Wireless Hack Tools 2009:

NetStumbler 0.4.0
Kismet 2005 2008 R
Wellenreiter v1.9
WEP Crack 0.1.0
AirSnort 0.2.7e
Wepwedgie 0.1.0 alpha
Hotspotter 0.4

Information Files:

Name: AIO Wireless Hack Tools 2009 Full
Size: 8.1 MB (recovery register 1%)
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Support Platform: Linux, Windows.
Format: RAR
Download file:

WEP is Wired Equivalent Privacy. This is an encryption standard for wireless until now. Many people do not even use WEP due to weak security, hassle, or WEP is pointless, because it can dicrack, although usually take a while to obtain enough data to get the WEP passwords, especially passwords are very long.

WEP consists of secret passwords and encryption. Secret password that is shared between access point and everyone in the wireless network, consisting of 5 or 13 characters. Used by the process of encryption for communications package that is disguised throughout the WLAN, or Wireless Local Area Network. All packages are unique and random, so if someone makes a crack in one package key, they can not see what others have done without cracking on them too.

This is all done using the secret password together with the three characters (the Initialization Vector, or IV) who were randomly selected by the wireless device. For example, if you are the password "hello", may make "abchello" to a package, and "xyzhello" for the other.

WEP also uses XOR, or Exclusive OR, for encryption. XOR compares two bits, and if theyre different, it will return 1. If not, it will return 0. For example, 1 XOR 1 will be 0, and 1 XOR 0 is 1.
Array is a variable that can hold multiple values. For example, an array of alphabet [26] will continue to value 26, which are labeled 0 through 25.

alphabet [0] = 'A';alphabet [1] = 'B';
void swap (char & first, char & second){char temp = first;first = second;second = temp;}
swap (alphabet [0], alphabet [1]);
If the values ​​array randomely have swapped many times, it can not be sent to the array element that holds the value.

The actual algorithm used by WEP to encrypt packets is RC4. RC4 consists of two steps: with a password and Scheduling Algorithm Pseudo Random Generation Algorithm. The first part, the scheduling algorithm is a password, or KSA, like this in C code, assuming k [] is an array of secret passwords:
int n = 256;char s [n];/ / Initializationfor (int i = 0; i <= (n - 1); i + +) s [i] = i; int j = 0; / / scrambling for (int l = 0, l <= (n - 1); l + + ) {j + = s [l] + k [l]; swap (s [l], s [j]);}
Let's examine the code above until we know that:

1. Integer 'n' determines how we make kuay encryption. Here using WEP 256.2. Array of characters 'k' is the secret password in combination with three fake character. This does not change at all in this program.3. The '/ / Initialize' only represents the initialization, as much as the characters 0-255.4. Integer 'j' is used to hold value during scrambling. Always initialized to 0, because it must always be in the range 0.5. Furthermore, (where '/ / scrambling') scrambling process begins. Basically, will result in 's' array 'random' than ever before 's' specified array.6. Inside the circle, which merges their first passwords (k) with a random array (s) to create a complete character. Then, the call to swap () puts into an array of characters is completed.

Now it's time for the second part of the RC4 algorithm, then the Pseudo Random Generation Algorithm (PRGA). This section of the output stream passwords based on KSA's pseudo-random array. This key stream will be merged with cleartext data to create the encrypted data.

int i = 0;int j = 0;int z;while (data_disini){i + +;j + = s [i];swap (s [i], s [j]);z = s [s [i] + s [j]];/ / Z is outputted here/ / And then XOR'd with cleartext}1. Integers 'i' and 'j' is declared and initialized to 0.2. There is a loop that runs until the end of the data packet is reached.3. 'I' is incremented in each iteration of the loop is to keep it running.4. 'A' holds the pseudo-random numbers.5. Another caller to swap () an active character in s [i] and s [j].6. 'Z' is calculated by adding s [i] and s [j] and take values ​​in appropriate elements of their numbers. This reason will be explained later.7. 'Z' is XOR'd with the cleartext to create a new text is encrypted.

Cyclic redundancy checksum CRC stands for. When the packets are sent to the entire network, should be no way to know the host receives a packet has not been damaged in any way. It is the purpose of the CRC. Before data is sent, the CRC calculating the value, or checksum, for packages will be shipped with the package. If accepted, the new count of the target host using a CRC checksum. If the CRCs match, the packet of credibility has been confirmed.

  In summary. Access Point creates a pseudo-random characters. They are joined by sharing prechosen password to create a secret password. KSA then use this password to create a pseudo-random array, which is used by the PRGA stream to create a key. This password is then XORed with the cleartext to create the encrypted data, and entered into the CRC and make the checksums.

Then, for receiving host decrypts. Character is added by the AP to be deleted and merged with the keys to be sent back together with a secret password. Password go through the whole process of RC4, and XOR'd with the encrypted text, and create cleartext checksum. Checksum will be removed and made a then compared to see if the data safe, and whether this was the original user.
Part II: Cracking WEP
Before we get cracking WEP, let us discuss some flaws in the encryption process:

* There is a 5% chance that the value in s [0]-s [3] will not change after three iterations by KSA.* The first value in the encrypted data is SNAP, which 0xAA, or 170 base 10. Sniffing the first of bytes and XOR-ing the encrypted text to 170 will output the first byte of the PRGA.* A particular format of bytes given by the AP will show that he is weak and easy to crack. This format is (B + 3, 255, X), where B is the byte of the password secret. Where X could be worth anything.

 We'll talk about the KSA now. Let us define some variables to "test":* Character code taken from the AP is 3255.7. We sniffed it from the air. We will use the test results have shown that the code is very weak.* Shared password is 22222. In practice, you will not know this.* N is 256.* If there is a value above 256, modulo operation will be performed on it. The resulting value that will be used.* Array 's' has been confirmed, with a value of 0-255.

Open the program Kismet. Kismet is free wireless scanner for Linux. When you open it, you'll see a list of WLANs within range. Choose one and make a note of the four following details (note that the target obtained from each host computer on the WLAN):
* AP MAC Address* MAC Address of the target computer.* WEP - Key used* Wi-Fi-channel used

Open Aircrack and you will start capturing packets. You also will capture the IVs. But it takes a long time. He can even last for several hours or days to capture the number of IVs to crack WEP passwords.Fortunately, we can accelerate it. For example, if a WLAN is very busy, it will be more traffic IVs packets, so the IVs more easily retrieved. If we continue to ping the network, will result in more packets of ip_address-l 50 000  So what to do now? We have less data, but we have to get a WEP password here. There is a time to pass void11. Void11 ​​that in deauthenticate AP to all the hosts who were there. Cutting off is up to all hosts. The first thing to do in this case is automaticall who will try to reconnect the connection to the AP.But there is another technique called a replay attack. It captures a packet from a host on the WLAN, then do spoofs the host and continue to repeat the packet over and over again. Generate traffic data packet is very large. The best of these programs is airreplay. This is for what used void11.  Open airodump. Now, say thank you to Replay Attack. IV run about 200 per second. Wow! You'll probably get all the necessary packets within 10 minutes. All IVs are being written into a file that will be taken. Then open aircrack. Aircrack will read all the IVs are taken from files, and perform statistical analysis on the file. Then, he will try to brute force a file "that exists. After finding the password, the password would be supplied to you.

Setting ADSL Modem Speedy Profesional

This setting is tested on win XP SP2:
1. Entrance Control panel -> Internet options
2. Click the Connection tab -> click Setup
3. New connection wizard click next
4. Network connection type select "Connect to the Internet" -> next
5. Getting Ready select "Setup My connection manually" -> next
6. Internet connection select "Connect using a broadband connection That requires a username and password" -> next
7. ISP name filled in freely, eg "master artickel"
8. username: (optional XXXXXXXX no telkom speedy reply given to you)
9. password: yyyyyyyyyy (yyyyyyyyyy optional password that is given to your telecoms)
10. Retype password once again to write down your password
11. Next -> check add desktop shortcut -> finish
12. double click the shortcut then connects to an online (make sure the adsl modem is ready first)
Good luck ...

Reset canon series

Canon Pixma i320, i255
Step 1 : Manual for Service Mode
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer.
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
4. Press and release the RESUME button , the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange.
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
6. Release both buttons.
7. Connect USB cable

Step 2 : Software for permanent reset 
1. Click the link below
2. Download the i255 General Tools, select (USB PORT)
4. Insert the paper and the printer will print a printout of data EEPROM and perform tests for all nozzle printhead (black and color)
5. Turn off the printer.
Canon MP160 , MP145
1) With the printer powered off but connected to a power source, press the Power button while pressing and holding
the Stop/ Reset button.
2) When the Power is lit, press the Stop/Reset button two times while pressing and holding the Power button.
3) When releasing the Power button and the Stop / Reset button (regardless of order), the printer will move into a
service mode. (Waiting for menu selection)
4) When the on/off lights in green, press the Stop/Reset button the specified number of time(s) according to the
function listed in the table below.(Each time the Stop/Reset button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in
orange and green, starting with orange.)note: press 4 times for waste ink counter reset.

The number of the Reset
button pressing
LED Function Remarks
0 time Green Power off
1 time Orange Service pattern print
2 times Green EEPROM print
3 times Orange EEPROM reset
4 times Green Waste ink counter reset
5) Unplug cable power. (for MP145 / MP150)
6) Turn Off Power. (for MP160)

Error Code :
E2-2 = No paper (ASF)
E3-3 = Paper jam
E4 = No ink
E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed, or the ink cartridges are not installed properly
E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full
E9 = The connected digital camera / video camera does not support Camera Direct Printing
E14 = The Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong
E15 = Ink cartridge is not installed E16 - Ink remaining is unknown
E16 -E19 = Failed to scan head alignment sheet
E22 = Carriage error
E23 = Paper feed error
E24 = Purge unit error
E25 = ASF(cam) sensor error
E26 = Internal temperature rise error
E27 = Waste ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full
E28 = Ink cartridge temperature rise error -
E29 = EEPROM error
E33 = Paper feed position error
E35 15 = USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 = Abnormal motor driver error
E40 20 = Other hardware error
E42 22 = Scanner error

Canon pixma ip1700, 1880, 1600, 1200, 1300 
Manual for Service Mode
Turn off the printer
1. Disconnect the power and USB cables
2. Press and hold the POWER button, plug the cable POWER
3. Press the RESUME 2x, release the POWER and RESUME
4. Lights will be blinking for a moment, wait until the light is on steady

Software for permanent reset
1. Plug the USB cable
2. Please open GENERAL SOFTWARE TOOLS and select USB PORT
3. Check in EEPROM CLEAR
4. Click once MAIN (printer lights will blink 1x)
5. Then click the TEST PATTERN 1
6. Turn the printer off

Canon ip1880, MP145, MP530 
This occurs because the ink level in catrik read out by the printer, although still a lot of ink in infusion or just the refill.
To overcome this guampangggg enough .... aja press the Resume button for several seconds (5-8 seconds) after the ink level will become automatic reset and the printer will continue printing.
The same goes for the printer Canon ip1200, 1300,1600,1700,2200.
As for the type of Canon MP160, MP145 simply press the COLOR button to reset the ink level ...
For higher multfunction type, such as type MP530, MP500, MP830, MP800 (like) can by pressing the STOP button.
Solutions E16 Error on Canon MP series
 If you search what's that mean E16 at printer Canon MP Series, the error E16 code is Failed to scan head alignment sheet. I will tell you how to fix the E16, see at below :

- If you see at Printer Status monitor while you printing, you will get the dialog it says your ink is running low.
- So what you need to do? Press the START button, then until 2-3 second press START button again.

I hope that will resolve your problem about error E16.
Code E16 on the printer Canon MP series, meaning "Failed to scan head alignment sheet. "
I will try to tell you how to fix this E16.

* Note the Status Monitor on your printer, it would appear the statement that will run out of ink (ink is running low)
* All you have to do is press the START button, then wait 2-3 seconds and then press the START button again.

Canon PIXMA ip1000
Step 1: Manual for Service mode
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer.
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
4. Press and release the RESUME button , the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange.
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
6. Release both buttons.
7. Connect USB cable.

Step 2 : Software for permanent reset
1. Reconnect the printer cable.
2.Open General Tools T5061 and select (USB PORT)
3 .Check on EEPROM CLEAR

Canon MPC190
1. Go to the SERVICE MODE.
by pressing Menu, Copy, Scan, Copy, Copy (just press the button sequence, jgndetained )
2. Select TEST MODE.
3. Select (8) PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4. Select 3. (EEPROM CLEAR).
5. Piliht 0. (INK COUNT).
6. Press the (Set)
7. Press the (Stop / Reset), then press the (ON / OFF)